As I drove away from another successful packing party, my SUV was filled with tampons and pads; my heart was full. I was glowing from anoth...
25 November 2018
"Ok, now there is a day for everything."
"This can't be real"
"Is this a joke??"
"This is ...
"This can't be real"
"Is this a joke??"
"This is ...
5 November 2018
It's a hot Saturday night in July. Friends hop in a van and head downtown. They are excited, energized and enthusiastic. What seems like gir...
2 October 2018
You're out and about when you experience that heart-stopping, panic-filled moment of knowing your period is coming and you're not p...
7 September 2018
We received the following note from one of our shelter partners, Street Haven at the Crossroads.
"We'd like to give a super special...
14 March 2018
25 November 2018
As I drove away from another successful packing party, my SUV was filled with tampons and pads; my heart was full. I was glowing from another night of kindness and giving by our volunteer c...
5 November 2018
"Ok, now there is a day for everything."
"This can't be real"
"Is this a joke??"
"This is the most outrageous thing I have EVER heard of. Ho...
"This can't be real"
"Is this a joke??"
"This is the most outrageous thing I have EVER heard of. Ho...
2 October 2018
It's a hot Saturday night in July. Friends hop in a van and head downtown. They are excited, energized and enthusiastic. What seems like girls' night out is actually a volunteer mission....
7 September 2018
You're out and about when you experience that heart-stopping, panic-filled moment of knowing your period is coming and you're not prepared. It's uncomfortable, it's anxiety-...
14 March 2018
We received the following note from one of our shelter partners, Street Haven at the Crossroads.
"We'd like to give a super special thanks to The Period Purse for this generous dona...