The Spot | The Period Purse Blog
Why Kristyn Wong-Tam Says Periods Are A Public Health Matter During COVID-19
Toronto city councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and friends marking Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019 on Instagram. If you live in Toronto, you know that ...
24 May 2020
How Our Most Vulnerable Communities Are Fighting Covid-19
As we enter our second month of wide-spread physical distancing, our marginalized community members continue to battle the threat of Covid-19. Ac...
23 April 2020
Supporting Vulnerable Communities During COVID-10
Like you, we've been closely monitoring the latest news of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to extend our thoughts to you at this difficult a...
16 March 2020
No Pad? What Do You Do?
Picture this: You're out for the day, in the middle of an errand, a meeting or just sitting in traffic. Suddenly, you feel a familiar feel...
7 March 2020
10 Important Reasons to Donate to The Period Purse on Giving Tuesday
Every year, after scoring last minute deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, another holiday asks you to open your wallet one more time but f...
2 December 2019
Legendary Canadian Singer Bif Naked Talks First Period Stories and Menstrual Equity
It was around the time that Bif Naked's Spaceman came out, in March of 1998, that I got my first period. Recently, I found myself talking on th...
22 November 2019
Help Bring Period Products to Toronto's Marginalized Menstruators with The Period Purse's Fall Blitz
With fall finally here and the weather slowly getting cooler, you may be wondering what you can do to help Toronto's marginalized communities...
10 October 2019
Sustainable Period Products: What's the 411?
With files from Lunapads
A drawer full of reusable cloth pads. Photo courtesy of Lunapads. Today, we're talking about sustainable perio...
2 September 2019
Mini Drives That Work: Increasing Employee Engagement While Enhancing Period Positivity
According to Inc., millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. This will impact work environments in many ways: more tech...
8 July 2019
The Menstruation Nation Expands: Diva Cup Programs and Period Presentations
  Tait Gamble at her high school graduation. When I finished grade 12, I was worried that the enthusiasm and passion for menstrua...
29 June 2019
Why Kristyn Wong-Tam Says Periods Are A Public Health Matter During COVID-19
24 May 2020
Toronto city councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and friends marking Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019 on Instagram. If you live in Toronto, you know that progressive city councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam has l...
How Our Most Vulnerable Communities Are Fighting Covid-19
23 April 2020
As we enter our second month of wide-spread physical distancing, our marginalized community members continue to battle the threat of Covid-19. Across Canada, our most vulnerable are struggling to...
Supporting Vulnerable Communities During COVID-10
16 March 2020
Like you, we've been closely monitoring the latest news of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to extend our thoughts to you at this difficult and stressful time. As you know, now more than ev...
No Pad? What Do You Do?
7 March 2020
Picture this: You're out for the day, in the middle of an errand, a meeting or just sitting in traffic. Suddenly, you feel a familiar feeling of dread wash over you. You've got your pe...
10 Important Reasons to Donate to The Period Purse on Giving Tuesday
2 December 2019
Every year, after scoring last minute deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, another holiday asks you to open your wallet one more time but for a very different reason. Since 2011, Giving T...
Legendary Canadian Singer Bif Naked Talks First Period Stories and Menstrual Equity
22 November 2019
It was around the time that Bif Naked's Spaceman came out, in March of 1998, that I got my first period. Recently, I found myself talking on the phone with the legendary Canadian singer, over 2...
Help Bring Period Products to Toronto's Marginalized Menstruators with The Period Purse's Fall Blitz
10 October 2019
With fall finally here and the weather slowly getting cooler, you may be wondering what you can do to help Toronto's marginalized communities. It can be an overwhelming question. With so ma...
Sustainable Period Products: What's the 411?
2 September 2019
With files from Lunapads
A drawer full of reusable cloth pads. Photo courtesy of Lunapads. Today, we're talking about sustainable period products and hope to answer some common question...
Mini Drives That Work: Increasing Employee Engagement While Enhancing Period Positivity
8 July 2019
According to Inc., millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. This will impact work environments in many ways: more tech, more flexibility, more collaboration and more so...
The Menstruation Nation Expands: Diva Cup Programs and Period Presentations
29 June 2019
  Tait Gamble at her high school graduation. When I finished grade 12, I was worried that the enthusiasm and passion for menstrual equity we built up in my graduating year would w...

We respectfully acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabewaki, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.