Menstrual Health Day: Advocacy, Involvement & FAQs
What is Menstrual Health / Hygiene Day?
Initiated by non-profit WASH United in 2014, Menstrual Hygiene Day is a global advocacy platform that brings together more than 910 partner organizations working to break the stigma and raise awareness around menstrual health and a world without period poverty. The date of 28 May represents the average duration of a menstrual cycle (28 days).
You’ll notice at The Period Purse™, we use the term Menstrual Health Day instead of hygiene to encompass the important work that’s being done in period education, the fight for period equity, and advocating for lasting policy change.

Our 2024 Campaign: IT'S YOUR PERIOD.
In May 2024, we raised over $27,000 for menstruators in our community, lit up 70 monuments across Canada and had proclamations signed in more than 50 cities as part of our Menstrual Health Day Campaign.